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March 9, 2023


Daisy Jones & The Six Is an Ode to ’70s Glam

Marissa DeSantis, Harper's BAZAAR
After more than a year of production delays brought on by the pandemic, Daisy Jones & The Six is finally here (with new episodes being released on Prime Video every Friday through March 24). The 10-episode series, which is based on Taylor Jenkins Reid’s novel by the same name, follows the rise and fall of fictional ’70s rock band Daisy Jones & The Six—and the love triangle at the heart of its undoing. Perhaps almost as central to the series as the sex, drugs, and rock ’n’ roll are the makeup and hair looks that defined the generation, and helped bring to life the three female leads: Daisy Jones (the band’s co-lead singer), Camila Dunne (wife of co-lead singer Billy Dunne), and Karen Sirko (the band’s keyboardist).