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January 16, 2025


Our Hearts Go Out to Los Angeles

Please consider supporting or contributing your time 

To our beloved Los Angeles community, 

Our hearts are aching for the community after this devastating catastrophe. To our first responders and volunteers working tirelessly to protect communities – we share our deepest gratitude for your continued effort to help. 

LolaVie has donated and will continue to donate essentials to further support anyone evacuated due to, or impacted by, the wildfires. 

If you are in need of support, please find the below resources offering aid: 

  • Airbnb is offering free short term stays

  • Lyft is providing free rides to shelters

If you are able to help, we have provided ways to donate or contribute your time below:

We are keeping anyone impacted in our thoughts and will continuously find ways to share our support with the community. 

Sending all our love,
The LolaVie team