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December 4, 2024


The Hollywood Reporter’s 2024 Women in Entertainment Power 100

Mikey O'Connell,

In an anxious year for Hollywood, the women making the biggest impact are the execs spending wisely, the canny creatives still selling pitches — in this climate! — and the stars packing crowds into theaters, arenas and couches.

Was it the best year for Hollywood? Not exactly. But the women at the top of their fields kept this industry going. From executives managing $17 billion content spends and creatives behind the biggest box office hits of the year to the growing number of actor-producers shrewdly navigating the evolving marketplace to, well, Taylor Swift and Beyoncé … these are the women who set records and the standard for success in a marketplace where that is no easy task. In THR’s annual survey of the most powerful women in entertainment, this year’s honorees reveal their predictions for 2025, Hollywood lessons from the election, the phone calls they’re still waiting on and much, much more.